The XXXG-01W Wing Gundam (aka Gundam Zero-One) is the titular mobile suit of the Mobile Suit Gundam Wing series. The unit was primarily piloted by Heero Yuy. Out of the five original Gundams created for Operation Meteor, Wing Gundam is the most well-balanced in terms of abilities and bears the closest resemblance to their common ancestor: the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero.
MS joints for use at the base of the wings
Built-in gimmicks in the torso and shoulders to allow dynamic posing with the beam saber and beam rifle
Can be transformed into Bird Mode by reconfiguring parts
Action base support parts are included to support display in MS form or Bird Mode
Buster rifle x1
Shield x1
Beam saber x1
Hand parts x3 pairs
Weapon-grasping hand (right) x1
Action base support parts x1
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Diecast Products
Bandai 5061661 RG 1/144 Wing Gundam
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